The Challenge: A manufacturer of an Electronic Gas Regulator (EGR) encountered a problem that was unanticipated during production and testing phases of a new part. In order for the part to detect fume leakage, a sticky, fluorosilicone rubber had to seal tight against a plastic component. However, the sticky rubber attracted dust and contaminants that prevented a consistent seal, ultimately resulting in failure of the part.
The Solution: To solve the problem, DECC developed a tumble spray application utilizing a two-part, low cure, PTFE release coating (Emralon 310). The method applied the coating in an even and consistent wet out pattern while maintaining the integrity of the part.
The Result: Once coated, the rubber was no longer sticky, which prevented contaminates from adhering to the rubber and allowed a proper seal between the rubber and soft plastic. DECC’s quick thinking and creativity allowed for an inexpensive solution to an issue that could have cost their customer a significant amount of money had the part gone to production and failed in the field.