Surface preparation is the mechanical, thermal or chemical cleaning and etching of a substrate in order to ensure proper adhesion of the coatings DECC applies. Without a clean, contaminate free surface for which the coating can bond, the potential for coating delamination is greatly increased.

DECC utilizes 70 grit aluminum oxide abrasive media in our blast machines. Not only do we use this for cleaning and etching the surface of components, we can strip coating for re-work purposes as well. Our blasting process does not change a part dimensionally or pit the surface but gives it a frosty appearance for superior coating adhesion. We have hand blast cabinets, tumble blast machines and a hand blast booth for larger part geometries.

Some part substrates, particularly stainless steel, can be prepped for coating with a simple prebake. In these instances, parts would be loaded onto racks or into wire baskets and baked in a batch oven at 600-750 F for an extended period of time.

DECC has two options for chemical preparation: an alkaline wash or the application of a microcrystalline zinc phosphate. The alkaline wash is suitable for the majority of part substrates and is a more economical option. However, if a phosphate is required due to a specification or a recommendation on the coating product data sheet, we can accommodate small to medium size part geometries.

Surface prep methods vary greatly from substrate to substrate and coating to coating. Contact us today if you need help determining what would be best suited for your particular challenge.