The DECC Company serves the commercial laundry market by applying an abrasion resistant release coating to dryer panels, offering numerous benefits for our customers.

Reduced plastic build-up inside your dryer
The coating DECC applies exhibits tremendous release qualities, drastically reducing the amount of plastic and debris that adheres to the inside of a dryer as compared to a dryer with uncoated panels. The abrasion resistant qualities of the coating greatly increase its durability, as well, ensuring extended performance as compared to some other panel treatments that must be redone every seven to eight months.

Drastically decreased down-time due to maintenance & cleaning
With dryer panels coated by DECC, the need for ice blasting and drilling holes is eliminated. Although routine cleaning of the panels is still required, the time it takes is drastically diminished. For example, a customer that has panels treated with coating from DECC experienced the following:
“It takes almost 10 hours for one of our maintenance guys to clean one dryer panel that has been in service for seven to ten months. With DECC’s coating, we were able to clean three dryer panels in a little over an hour and they had been in service three or four months longer than the uncoated panels.”
For comparison, it would take a facility with 14 dryers almost four months of continuous cleaning to get all of their dryers free of plastic if they were to halt all production. If all the dryers were treated with coating from DECC, it would take only one week to clean every dryer panel in the facility. Depending on how long the panels went between cleaning, this time could be reduced even further.
Increased dryer efficiency & air flow
A dryer with clogged panels can experience a 30-35% increase in drying times or more. Panels coated by DECC allow for greater efficiency and air flow, as compared to uncoated panels, because it takes far longer for plastic and debris to build inside the dryer. As a result, production capacity is maintained and energy costs are reduced.
Quick Return on Investment
As a result of dramatically reduced down-time and labor, combined with increased production capacity and lowered energy costs, the investment of having your dryer panels coated by DECC could be returned in a matter of months.
Read more about the benefits that dryer panel coatings can provide to industrial laundry facilities here and contact the DECC Company today!!