The LORD Corporation has been a world leader in the development and manufacturing of high performance adhesive coatings for more than half a century. They are most notably known for the Chemlok® series of adhesives is recognized as an industry leader for rubber-to-metal bonding in automotive applications.
Coating Descriptions
Chemlok® 205 DECC Preferred
Designed for use as a primer under other Chemlok covercoat adhesives to bond a variety of vulcanized and unvulcanized rubber compounds to metals and other substrates, Chemlok 205 can also be used as a standalone adhesive to bond some nitrile rubber compounds.
Chemlok® 207 DECC Preferred
A solvent-based metal primer, Chemlok 207 is used to provide excellent resistance to a wide range of environmental conditions.
Chemlok® 213 DECC Preferred
Requiring only a single coat for most applications, Chemlok 213 is used to bond castable and RIM urethane, polyester and polyether elastomers to metal, as well as certain thermoplastic polyurethanes.
Chemlok® 217
Chemlok 217 is a one-coat adhesive used to bond nitrile or neoprene elastomers to metals or other substrates during vulcanization of the elastomer.
Chemlok® 219
Able to be used by itself or in combination with Chemlok 213 when increased environmental resistance is required, Chemlok 219 is an adhesive used for bonding a wide variety of both polyether and polyester castable urethanes to metal.
Chemlok® 236
A general purpose covercoat adhesive designed for use over Chemlok 205, Chemlok® 236 bonds a wide variety of cured and uncured elastomer compounds.
Chemlok® 6100
A lead-free covercoat adhesive designed for use over Chemlok 205 or 207 primer, Chemlok 6100 will bond a variety of unvulcanized rubber compounds to metal.
Chemlok® 6125
A lead-free covercoat adhesive designed for use over Chemlok 205 primer, Chemlok 6125 will bond uncured elastomers to metals and other rigid substrates during vulcanization of the elastomer.
Chemlok® 6220
A lead-free covercoat adhesive designed for use over Chemlok 205 primer, Chemlok 6220 will bond a variety of uncured elastomers such as SBR, natural, nitrile and neoprene to metal substrates during the vulcanization of the elastomer.
Chemlok® 6250
A lead-free one-coat adhesive used to bond a variety of elastomers to various substrates during vulcaniztion, Chemlok 6250 can also be used over Chemlok 205 or 207 primer for maximum protection when environmental conditions are extremely aggressive.
Chemlok® 6253
A lead-free one-coat adhesive used to bond a variety of vulcanized and unvulcanized rubber compounds to metal, Chemlok 6253 can also be used over Chemlok 205 or 207 when environmental conditions are severe.
Chemlok® 6254 DECC Preferred
A lead-free one-coat adhesive used to bond a variety of vulcanized and unvulcanized rubber compounds to metal, Chemlok 6254 provides excellent adhesion and corrosion resistance when used with mechanically or chemically treated cold rolled steel or aluminum. Chemlok 6254 can also be used over Chemlok 205 or 207 when environmental conditions are severe for maximum protection.
Chemlok® 6260
A lead-free one-coat adhesive used to bond a variety of vulcanized and unvulcanized rubber compounds to metal, Chemlok 6260 provides excellent adhesion and corrosion resistance when used with mechanically or chemically treated cold rolled steel or aluminum. For maximum protection, Chemlok 6260 can also be used over Chemlok 205 or 207 when environmental conditions are severe.
Chemlok® AP-133
A clear one-coat adhesive, Chemlok AP-133 is used to bond unvulcanized silicone rubber to a variety of substrates such as metal, glass, plastic and textiles.
A thermal-cure epoxy resin specially designed for thin film coating of heat sinks and magnets. This coating can be used in a variety of automotive applications including cooling plates, heat sinks and motor magnets used in electric vehicles, as well as automotive parts and industrial machine applications.
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